Explore Our Curriculum

Technology Curriculum

Our curriculum focuses on real-world application and achieves this through expertly designed learning experiences. Hands-on exercises and interactivity are at the heart of every Blackbaud University class, and classes are designed to support a variety of user roles.

Visit BlackbaudU Campus to begin learning today

The Blackbaud Award Management curriculum is a combination of instructor-led courses and on-demand courses. Not sure where to begin? Start with the Fundamentals if you’re a new user or view our structured role-based Learning Paths. Have a specific topic in mind? Search the entire Blackbaud Award Management catalog or view courses below.

Blackbaud Award Management Catalog

Administration Configuration / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Basics of Blackbaud Award Management / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Basics of Questions and Qualifications / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Basics of Reviews / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Fundamentals Exam 2024 / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Fundamentals: Awarding / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Fundamentals: System Overview / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Managing Reviews / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Managing Reviews | eLearning / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Portfolio Management / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Questions and Qualifications / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Questions and Qualifications | eLearning / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Renewal Management | eLearning / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
Renewals / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Stewardship / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
Stewardship | eLearning / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning
System Administration / Blackbaud Award Management Instructor-led
System Administration | eLearning / Blackbaud Award Management eLearning

The Blackbaud eTapestry curriculum is a combination of instructor-led courses and on-demand courses. Not sure where to begin? Start with the Fundamentals if you’re a new user or view our structured role-based Learning Paths. Have a specific topic in mind? Search the entire eTapestry catalog or view courses below.

eTapestry Catalog

Basics of Accounts / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of Database Configuration / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of Do-It-Yourself Forms / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of eTapestry / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of Import / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of Journals / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Basics of Queries, Reports, and Communications / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Database Cleanup | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Database Configuration | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Do-It-Yourself Forms | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Effective and Efficient Communications | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Effective and Efficient Queries | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Effective and Efficient Reports | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Fundamentals Exam 2024 / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Fundamentals: Accounts / Blackbaud eTapestry Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Accounts | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Fundamentals: Communications / Blackbaud eTapestry Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Communications | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Fundamentals: Journals / Blackbaud eTapestry Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Journals | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Fundamentals: Queries and Reports / Blackbaud eTapestry Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Queries and Reports | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Identifying Prospects and Cultivating Major Donors | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Importing | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Mass Updates | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning
Preparing for Year-End Tasks | eLearning / Blackbaud eTapestry eLearning

The Blackbaud Grantmaking curriculum is a combination of instructor-led courses and on-demand courses. Not sure where to begin? Start with the Fundamentals if you’re a new user or view our structured Learning Paths. Have a specific topic in mind? Search the entire Blackbaud Grantmaking catalog or view courses below.

Blackbaud Grantmaking Catalog

Applications: Introduction to Custom Forms and Programs | eLearning / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Applications: Processing Grantee Applications / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Basics of Blackbaud Grantmaking / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Basics of Searching and Reporting / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Basics of the Proposal Process / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Check Writer – Adding Bank Accounts | eLearning / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Check Writer – Producing Checks | eLearning / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Classifications and System Administration / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Creating Correspondence Templates / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Export to Accounts Payable | eLearning / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Fundamentals Exam 2024 / Blackbaud Grantmaking eLearning
Fundamentals: Documents and Correspondence / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Getting Started / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Requests / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Requirements and Payments / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Reports / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Reviewers and the Reviewer Portal / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Search and Workspace / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led
Tailoring Your Database with Blueprint / Blackbaud Grantmaking Instructor-led

The Blackbaud NetCommunity curriculum is a collection of on-demand courses. Not sure where to begin? Visit the NetCommunity catalog or view courses below.

Blackbaud NetCommunity Catalog

Basics of Email / Blackbaud NetCommunity eLearning
Basics of Forms / Blackbaud NetCommunity eLearning
Basics of NetCommunity / Blackbaud NetCommunity eLearning
Basics of Online Content / Blackbaud NetCommunity eLearning

The Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT curriculum is a combination of instructor-led courses and on-demand  courses. Not sure where to begin? Start with the Fundamentals if you’re a new user or view our structured Learning Paths. Want to upskill fast on new product features and functionality? Our Raiser’s Edge NXT Trending Topics page has self-paced training that you can access at any time! Have a specific topic in mind? Search the entire Raiser’s Edge NXT catalog or view courses below.

Raiser’s Edge NXT Catalog

Actions / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Add Your Blackbaud Merchant Services Account in Raiser’s Edge NXT | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Advanced Dashboards / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
AI Acknowledgements / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Basics of Communications Consent / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Basics of Prospect Insights / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Basics of Raiser’s Edge NXT / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Basics of Ratings / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Best Practices: Donor Retention / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Giving Days / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Increase Donor Giving Level / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Moves Management / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Policies and Procedures – Constituents / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Policies and Procedures – Gifts / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Best Practices: Tips and Tricks / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Constituent Tags / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Constituent Updates / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Create Receipts and Statements in Web View | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Creating and Using Appeals / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Creating Goal Meters and Key Metrics | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Custom Insights / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Database Health and Administration / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Email / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Enabling PayPal and Venmo for Optimized Forms / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Enabling Website Components to Donation Forms | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Event Registration Forms / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Events / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundamentals Exam 2024 / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Fundamentals: Dashboards / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Dashboards | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Fundamentals: Gift Management / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Gift Management | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Fundamentals: Lists / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Lists | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Fundamentals: Overview and Constituents / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Overview and Constituents | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Fundraisers / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Fundraising Impact / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT  Instructor-led
Gift Aid | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Gift Batch and Automated Recurring Gifts / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Gift Receipting / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Giving Day Donation Form Workshop / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Giving Statements | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Matching Gifts / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Microsoft Power Platform Overview | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Microsoft Power Platform Templates | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Online Giving: Creating Donation Forms | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Online Giving: Optimized Donation Forms / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Online Giving: Standard Donation Forms / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Pledges and Payments / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Portal Overview | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Power Automate / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Preparing for Year-End / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Professional Exam 2024 / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Prospect Insights Pro Overview | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Prospect Management / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Query in Web View / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Recurring Gift Upsell | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Reduce Online Costs with Complete Cover and Donor Cover | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Relabeling Designation Lists / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Security | eLearning / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
Selecting the Right Tool / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Tracking Grants Using Prospect Management / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT eLearning
What’s New in 2024 / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led
Workflows / Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT Instructor-led


Raiser’s Edge Training

Administration in Database View / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Advanced Exports / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Advanced Reporting – Constituents / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Advanced Reporting – Gifts / Raiser’s Edge  Instructor-led
Basics of Blackbaud Online Express / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Basics of Raiser’s Edge / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Basics of Reports / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Batch / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Complex Query / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Configuration / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Essential Mail / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Exports in Database View / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Fundamentals Exam 2024 / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Fundamentals: Constituent Records | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Fundamentals: Gift Records | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Fundamentals: Query in Database View / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Query in Database View | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Fundamentals: Reporting and Extraction / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Fundamentals: Reporting and Extraction | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge eLearning
Funds and Fundraising Structure / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Gift Updates / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Import / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Membership / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Membership | eLearning / Raiser’s Edge  eLearning
Planned Giving / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Pledges and Recurring Gifts / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Tribute / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led
Volunteer Management / Raiser’s Edge Instructor-led

Blackbaud University is built to expand the knowledge of nonprofit employees through our industry experience. In order to extend our software training reach, we’ve developed a curriculum designed around the Microsoft Excel and Word products that nonprofits utilize most.

In these instructor-led courses, you will learn how to get the most out of your nonprofit data in combination with your Microsoft products. These courses will explore analysis methods, data visualization options, and help you save time with impactful little-known features and tools.

Microsoft Catalog


Calculate Data with Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas / Microsoft Instructor-led
Create Mail Merge Letters, Envelopes, and Labels in Microsoft Word / Microsoft Instructor-led
Customize and Format Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets / Microsoft Instructor-led
Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel PivotTables / Microsoft Instructor-led
Prepare Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets for Import / Microsoft Instructor-led
Transform Your Microsoft Excel Data with Power Query / Microsoft Instructor-led
Using Tables, Columns, and Lists in Microsoft Word Documents / Microsoft Instructor-led
Using Text, Graphics, and Illustrations in Microsoft Word Documents / Microsoft Instructor-led
Visualize Data with Microsoft Excel Charts and Tables / Microsoft Instructor-led

As the recognized leader in nonprofit solutions, Blackbaud University is committed to sharing not only our technology expertise, but also our industry experience. The Organisational Best Practices curriculum is designed to give you the knowledge about relevant nonprofit topics you need to be successful. These instructor-led and on-demand courses will explore strategies, inspire conversation, and help you apply industry best practices at your nonprofit organization.

Organisational Best Practices offers courses in three distinct pillars:

  • Fundraising: Learn to create a robust fundraising strategy to maximize your potential — raise more dollars and retain more donors.
  • Marketing: Learn to craft and share your mission effectively — through multiple channels and with audience focused messages.
  • Essentials: Learn strategies to optimise your staff and processes across the social good ecosystem — including events, scholarships, finance, and more.

Organisational Best Practices Catalog


Basics of Finance / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Basics of Fundraising / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Basics of Marketing / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Basics of Nonprofit Organizations / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Creating Effective Case Statements / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Executive: Strategy and Change Management / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising Ethics – Part 1 | eLearning / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Fundraising Ethics – Part 2 / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising Exam 2024 / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Fundraising: End-of-Year Success / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising: Major Giving / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising: Peer-to-Peer / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising: Stewarding Planned Givers / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Fundraising: Stewarding Sustaining Givers / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Gratitude in Theory and Practice – Part 1 | eLearning / Organizational Best Practices eLearning
Gratitude in Theory and Practice – Part 2 / Organizational Best Practices  Instructor-led
Marketing: Brand / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Marketing: Crafting Newsletters and Annual Reports / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Marketing: Welcome Series / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Optimizing Impact / Organizational Best Practices Instructor-led
Top Tips to Increase Your Average Gift | eLearning / Organizational Best Practices eLearning