Blackbaud Newsroom
Our hearts are with those affected by Hurricane Laura

With deepest concern and sympathy for those affected by Hurricane Laura, we would like to express our appreciation for the strength, compassion, and preparedness of our social good customers, partners, and organizations who are providing aid. Please visit the following organizations’ websites to learn how you can help with relief efforts.
American Red Cross
Catholic Charities Acadiana
Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana
Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana
Convoy of Hope
Direct Relief
Hands On New Orleans
Houston Food Bank
Houston SPCA
Mercy Chefs
Northshore Humane Society
Operation Blessing
Salvation Army
Save the Children
Send Relief
Southwest Louisiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
The Cajun Navy Relief and Rescue
Texas Diaper Bank
United Way of Greater Houston
United Way of Southwest Louisiana
Volunteers of America