eBook: The Status of UK Fundraising: Higher Education Spotlight

eBook: The Status of UK Fundraising 2021 – Higher Education Spotlight

Discover how Education Institutions compare to the findings from the wider non-profit sector, in our brand new Status of UK Fundraising Report: Higher Education Spotlight. 

This year we’re shining a spotlight on educational institutions that took part in the survey, to help institutions benchmark themselves against the wider non-profit sector in areas such as fundraising income, supporter retention and digital maturity.

Download to learn:

  • Where institutions rate themselves on the digital maturity scale and how this compares to the wider non-profit sector

  • What being a digital expert means for supporter retention

  • The 4 main challenges institutions list as barriers to digital adoption

  • What institutions rate as their biggest fundraising challenges

Download your free copy today to see the full results and discover how your institution compares